Sunday, October 12, 2008

Nmamdi: Players are Okay.

Nmamdi Asomugha is quoted pretty extensively in this Boston Globe Football Notes column by Mike Reiss. He's got to be the most eloquent football player since Steve Young. This thoughtful quote takes goes right to the heart of Warren Sapp's recent comments:
"I'm not trying to save face of the Raiders, because I could be on any team at any moment. I'm just being honest. From a player's perspective, it's nowhere near what you hear, point blank. I don't know how else to explain it. It's so normal that it's abnormal, because you're thinking that it should be dysfunctional."
The "any team at any moment" obviosly refers to his contract situation. Al, do whatever it takes, but Lock Him Up. Nmamdi should be a Raider for Life.

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