Monday, April 6, 2009

Donkeys Smack-Down of the Week

Mike Florio lays some wood on Josh McDaniels this morning, quoting Peter King, who says "McDaniels thinks he can win with Orton." To which Florio retorts:

In what league? AFL 2.5?
He finishes with a shot at McDaniels draft board, saying he'll only a draft a late-round QB prospect in the mold of Tom Brady or Matt Cassell only "if he took photos of the Belichick/Pioli 2009 draft board."

I love it. Florio is like the Anti-Bill Williamson.

Looking at the picture of Orton next to King's column, I think from now on I will refer to Orton as Dave Grohl. So now might we have a Goldmember and a Foo Fighter in the same division.

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